Help keep access to quality online guided meditation free

People are hurting, meditation helps....

Help keep access to quality online guided meditation free image


raised towards $15,000 goal



Days Left


People are hurting, meditation helps....

Support healing and community

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! It's not too late to give...every dollar helps.

Pause for a moment and think about the last few conversations that you’ve had with friends and family. Have you noticed how much talk is about stress, anxiety, and worry?

We sure have.

It feels like everyone is worried about their kids. Co-workers can’t sleep. Anxiety-related issues has become the underlying cause of addiction, depression, and more.

We are not going to say that meditation is the only answer, but a meditation practice can help. Science says so, but as importantly, our meditation community says so with a wholehearted thumbs up each day they attend Community Meditation.

Please consider a donation to keep Community Meditation free for anyone wishing to befriend their mind. Help us be there for folks when they need it the most.

Yes, there are apps. Sometimes they are even more convenient, but nothing beats a live guided meditation session in community with friends from all over the world.

Community is the heartbeat of Mind Oasis. Community is an antidote to the epidemic of loneliness we are experiencing in this world at this moment. Meditation is an antidote to stress and anxiety. These two powerful elements are the fuel of Community Meditation.

Please help us keep Community Meditation accessible for all by making a donation to our annual fundraiser.
